● वर्साय की संधि कब हुई— 28 जनू, 1919 ई.
● वर्साय की संधि किसके साथ हुई— जर्मनी ● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध में कितने राष्ट्रों ने भाग लिया— 37
● गुप्त संधियों की प्रणाली का जनक किसे माना जाता है— बिस्मार्क को
● ऑस्ट्रिया, जर्मनी एवं इटली के मध्य त्रिगुट का निर्माण कब हुआ— 1882 में
● रूस-जापान का युद्ध कब हुआ— 1904-05 में
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के दौरान जर्मनी ने किस राष्ट्र पर 1914 ई. में आक्रमण किया— बेल्जियम, लक्जमबर्ग, फ्रांस व रूस पर
● अमेरिका किस समय प्रथम विश्व युद्ध में शामिल हुआ— 6 अप्रैल, 1917 को
● पेरिस शांति सम्मेलन कब से कब तक आयोजित हुआ— 18 जनवरी, 1919-21 जनवरी, 1920 तक
● लीग ऑफ नेशंस की स्थापना कब हुई— 1920 ई.
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध कब शुरू हुआ— 1 सितंबर, 1939 ई.
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध कब समाप्त हुआ— 2 सितंबर, 1945 ई.
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध का तत्कालीन कारण क्या था— जर्मनी द्वारा पोलैंड पर आक्रमण
● म्यूनिख पैक्ट कब हुआ— 29 सिंतबर, 1938 ई.
● जर्मनी द्वारा वर्साय की संधि का पहला बड़ा उल्लंघन कब किया गया— 1935 ई.
● वर्साय की संधि को अन्य किस नाम से जाना जाता है— आरोपित संधि
● अमेरिका ने द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध में कब भाग लिया— 8 दिसंबर, 1941 ई.
● जापान के किन दो नगरों पर अमेरिका ने परमाणु बम गिराये— हिरोशिमा व नागासाकी
● अमेरिका द्वारा प्रथम परमाणु बम कब गिराया गया— 6 अगस्त, 1945 ई.
● अमेरिका ने पहला परमाणु बम कहाँ गिराया— हिरोशिमा
● अमेरिका द्वारा नागासाकी पर परमाणु बम कब गिरया गया— 9 अगस्त, 1945 ई.
● संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की स्थापना किस समय हुई— द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के बाद
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के समय इंग्लैंड का प्रधानमंत्री कौन था— विंस्टन चर्चिल
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के समय अमेरिका का राष्ट्रपति कौन था— फ्रैंकलीन डी. रुजवेल्ट
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध में जर्मनी की पराजय का श्रेय किसे दिया जाता— रूस को
● जापान ने मंचूरिया पर आक्रमण कब किया— 1931 में
● इंग्लैंड में शानदार अलगाववउद की नीति का विचारक कौन था— सेलिसेवरी
● ‘न्यू डील’ के प्रतिपादक कौन थे— फ्रैंकलीन डी. रुजवेल्ट
● रोम-बर्लिन समझौता कब हुआ— 25 अक्टूबर, 1936 में
● जर्मनी ने आत्मसमर्पण कब किया— 7 मई, 1945 में
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के समय इटली का अधिनायक कौन था— मुसोलिनी
● अमेरिका का द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध में शामिल होने का मुख्य कारण क्या था— जापान द्वारा पर्ल हार्बर पर आक्रमण
● ‘यूरोप का मरीज’ किसे कहा जाता है— तुर्की
● ‘पान इस्लामिज्म’ का नारा किसने दिया— अब्दुल हमीद द्वितीय ने
● आधुनिक तुर्की का निर्माता किसे माना जाता है— मुस्तफा कमाल अतातुर्क पाशा
● तुर्की में ग्रिगोरियन कलैंडर का प्रचलन कब आरंभ हुआ— 26 दिसंबर, 1925 ई.
● ‘इस्तांबुल’ का पुराना नाम क्या था— कुस्तुनतुनिया (कांस्टेटिनोपल)
● कमाल पाशा की मृत्यु कब हुई— 1938 ई.
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के बाद तुर्की के साथ अपमानजनक संधि कब हुई— 10 अगस्त, 1920 में
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के बाद तुर्की के साथ हुई अपमानजनक संधि को किस नाम से जाना जाता है— सेवा की संधि
● लॉजान की संधि कब हुई— 24 अगस्त, 1923 में
● ‘सौ चूहों की अपेक्षा एक शेर का शासन उत्तम है’ यह किसने कहा था— वॉल्टेयर का
● ‘कानून की आत्मा’ की रचना किसने की— मॉटेस्क्यू
● माप-तौल की दशमलव प्रणाली का शुभारंभ कहाँ से हुआ— फ्रांस से
● सांस्कृतिक राष्ट्रीयता का जनक किसे कहा जाता है— हर्डर को
● नेपोलियन फ्रांस का राजा कब बना— 1804 ई.
● नेपोलियन के पिता का नाम क्या था— कार्लो बोनापार्ट
● आधुनिक फ्रांस का जनक किसे कहा जाता है— चार्ल्स डे गॉल
● इंग्लैंड को ‘बनियो का देश’ किसने कहा था— नेपोलियन ने
● ‘राइट्स ऑफ मैन’ के लेखक कौन हैं— टॉमस पेन
● ‘मदर’ की रचना किसने की— मैक्सिको गोकी
● ‘गुलाबों का युद्ध’ कब हुआ— 21 अक्टूबर, 1805 ई.
● मैग्नाकार्टा की घोषणा कब हुई— 1215 ई.
● फ्रांस में राष्ट्रीय दिवस कब मनाया जाता है— 14 जुलाई को
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध का मुख्य कारण क्या था— ऑस्ट्रिया के राजकुमार फर्डिनेड की हत्या
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के समय अमेरिका का राष्ट्रपति कौन था— वुडरो विल्सन
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध कब समाप्त हुआ— 11 नवंबर, 1918 ई.
● मोरक्को संकट कब पैदा हुआ— 1905 ई.
● लॉजान की संधि किस-किस के मध्य हुई— तुर्की और यूनान
● तुर्की में ‘रिपब्लिकन पीपुल्स पार्टी’ के संस्थापक कौन थे— मुस्तफा कमाल पाशा
● तुर्की में गणतंत्र की स्थापना कब हुई— 1923 में
● तुर्की में नए संविधान की घोषणा कब की गई— 20 अप्रैल, 1924 में
● जापान के साम्राज्यवाद का पहला शिकार कौन-सा राष्ट्र हुआ— चीन
● जापान में आधुनिकीकरण की प्रक्रिया की शुरूआत किसने की— मूत सुहीतो ने
● जापान की सैनिक सेवा अनिवार्य कब की गई— 1872 ई.
● जापान ने राष्ट्र संघ की सदस्यता कब छोड़ी— 24 फरवरी, 1933 ई.
● जापान का द्वार अमेरिकी व्यापार के लिए किसने खोला— अमेरिकी नाविक पेरी न
● लुई सोलहवाँ को किस अपराध में फाँसी दी गई— दोशद्रोह के अपराध में
● स्टेट्स जनरल के अधिवेशन का शुभारम्भ कब हुआ— 5 मई, 1789 में
● बैंक ऑफ फ्रांस की स्थापना किसने की— नेपोलियन ने
● नेपोलियन के पतन का कारण क्या था— रूस पर आक्रमण करना
● लिटल कॉरपोरल किसे कहा जाता है— नेपोलियन को
● जर्मनी का सबसे शक्तिशाली राज्य कौन-सा था— प्रशा
● बिस्मार्क को सबसे अधिक भय किससे था— फ्रांस से
● बिस्मार्क को किसने बाजीगगर कहा था— विलियम प्रथम ने
● हिटलर का जन्म कब व कहाँ हुआ था— 20 अप्रैल, 1889 ई., ब्राउनाउ में
● नेशनल सोशलिस्ट जर्मन वर्कर्स पार्टी का गठन कब व किसने किया— 1920 ई., हिटलर ने
● नेशनल सोशलिस्ट जर्मन वर्कर्स पार्टी को अन्य किस नाम से जाना जाता था— नाजी पार्टी
● हिटलर की आत्मकथा का नाम क्या है— मेरा संघर्ष (माई स्ट्रगल)
● जर्मन सुरक्षा परिषद की स्थापना कब हुई— 4 अप्रैल, 1933 ई.
● ‘एक राष्ट्र, एक नेता’ यह नारा किसने दिया— हिटलर ने
● हिटलर की विस्तारवादी नीति का शिकार सर्वप्रथम कौन-सा राष्ट्र हुआ— ऑस्ट्रिया
● हिटलर ने आत्महत्या कब की— 30 अप्रैल, 1945 ई.
● जर्मनी में आर्थिक राष्ट्रवाद का पिता किसे माना जाता है— फ्रेडरिक लिस्ट को
● सात सप्ताह का युद्ध अथवा ऑस्ट्रिया-पर्शिया युद्ध कब हुआ— 1866 में
● जर्मनी का एकीकरण कब हुआ— 18 जनवरी, 1871 ई.
● फ्रैंकफुर्ट की संधि किस-किस के मध्य हुई— फ्रांस और प्रर्शिया के मध्य
● फ्रैंकफुर्ट का संधि कब हुई— 10 मई, 1871 ई.
● चीन में गणतंत्र शासन पद्धति का जन्म कब हुआ— 1911 ई.
● चीन की राष्ट्रपिता किसे कहा जाता है— सनयात सेन
● सनयाता सेन की मृत्यु कब हुई— 1925 ई.
● चीन में गृह युद्ध कब शुरू हुआ— अप्रैल 1927 ई.
● ‘खुले द्वार की नीति’ का जनक किसे माना जाता है— जॉन हे
● चीन में ‘खुले द्वार की नीति’ का जनक किसे माना जाता है— डेंग जियोपिंग
● ‘एशिया आ मरीज’ किसे कहा जाता है— चीन को
● चीन में कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी की स्थापना कब हुई— 1921 ई.
● हूनान के विशाल किसान आंदोलन का नेतृत्व किसने किया— माओत्से तुंग ने
● चीन के जनवादी गणराज्य की राजधानी कहाँ थी— हूनान में
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध कब आरंभ हुआ— 28 जुलाई, 1914 ई.
1. Who among the following Viceroys wrote the book ‘Problems of the East’?
(A) Lord Curzon (B) Lord Clive
(C) Lord Mayo (D) Lord Mountbatten
Ans: Lord Curzon
2. Which among the following Philosophical Systems expounds ‘Critical Examination’ or ‘Solution of a problem by reflection’?
(A) Vaishesika (B) Samkhya
(C) Mimansa (D) Yoga
Ans: Mimansa
3. Who among the following said about Md. Ali Jinnah that he was an ‘Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity’?
(A) Annie Besant (B) Sarojini Naidu
(C) B. G. Tilak (D) None of these
Ans: Sarojini Naidu
4. Which among the following is considered as the best rock cut temple in the world?
(A) Brihadeeswara Temple, Tanjavur (B) Lingaraja Temple, Bhubaneswar
(C) Kailasha Temple, Ellora (D) Kandariya Temple, Khajuraho
Ans: Kailasha Temple, Ellora
5. Badayuni said that “Sultan got freedom from his masses and masses from the Sultan”. Who among the following kings does he refer to?
(A) Alauddin Khilji (B) Balban
(C) Iltutmish (D) Md. Bin Tughlaq
Ans: Md. Bin Tughlaq
6. The Curiosity rover built by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a part of Astrobiology mission successfully landed on the planet–
(A) Mars (B) Saturn
(C) Venus (D) Mercury
Ans: Mars
7. Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?
(A) Pituitary gland (B) Pancreas
(C) Pineal gland (D) None of these
Ans: None of these
8. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Cyrus Mistry : Tata Group (B) Sheryl Sandberg : Facebook
(C) Larry Page : Google (D) Deepak Parekh : HFCL
Ans: Deepak Parekh : HFCL
9. Which of the following acts as both exocrine and endocrine gland?
(A) Pancreas (B) Spleen
(C) Liver (D) Pituitary gland
Ans: Pancreas
10. Which of the following does not produce hormone?
(A) Heart (B) Kidney
(C) Gastro-intestinal tract (D) None of these
Ans: None of these
11. Lakshadweep Islands are the product of–
(A) Reef formation (B) Volcanic activity
(C) Wave action (D) Plate collision
Ans: Reef formation
12. Which of the following is the smallest country in terms of area?
(A) Maldives (B) Malta
(C) Marshall Islands (D) St. Kitts-Nevis
Ans: Malta
13. Through which one-of the following groups of countries does the ‘Tropic of Capricorn’ pass?
(A) Chile, Paraguay, Namibia (B) Peru, Angola, Zimbabwe
(C) Bolivia, Zambia, Fiji (D) None of these
Ans: Chile, Paraguay, Namibia
14. Which one of the following country does not border Caspian Sea?
(A) Iran (B) Iraq
(C) Georgia (D) Turkmenistan
Ans: Iraq
15. Scheduled Commercial Banks are allowed to borrow at their own discretion using–
(A) Net demand and time liabilities (B) Marginal standing facility
(C) Open market operation (D) None of these
Ans: Marginal standing facility
16. Which of the following does not mainly consist of Portfolio Investment?
(A) FII investment (B) American depository receipts (ADRs)
(C) Global depository receipts (GDRs) (D) None of these
Ans: None of these
17. Which of the following does not contribute to sustainable development?
(A) Improvement of economic well being with social justice.
(B) Restrained use of, natural resources.
(C) Protection of interests of future generations.
(D) None of these
Ans: None of these
18. Which of the following does not include monetary policy instruments?
(A) Repo rate (B) Cash reserve ratio
(C) Open market operations (D) Foreign direct investment
Ans: Foreign direct investment
19. Which among the following States of India are involved in the controversy associated with Mullaperiyar Dam?
(A) Tamil Nadu and Kerala (B) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
(C) Kerala and Karnataka (D) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
Ans: Tamil Nadu and Kerala
20. Which of the following National Parks was in news due to massive forest fire outbreak that raged for many days?
(A) Nagarahole National Park, Karnataka
(B) Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh
(C) Anshi National Park, Karnataka
(D) Bhitarkanika National Park, Odisha
Ans: Nagarahole National Park, Karnataka
21. Rapid spasm in muscle due to low availability of calcium ion in body fluid is called–
(A) Tetany (B) Tetanus
(C) Fibrosis (D) Gout
Ans: Tetany
22. The Indian Association played an important role in arousing national consciousness through the formation of the–
(A) Indian National Congress (B) Bengal British Indian Society
(C) Indian National Conference (D) British India Association
Ans: Indian National Conference
23. The first national news agency of India was–
(A) The Indian Review (B) The Free Press of India
(C) The Hindustan Review (D) The Associated Press of India
Ans: The Free Press of India
24. The tribal rebellion against the British, known as Ulgulan, was organised by–
(A) Birsa Munda (B) Tomma Dora
(C) Ramchandra Raju (D) Ranade
Ans: Birsa Munda
25. Who among the following formed Congress Nationalist Party to act as a powerful pressure group within the Congress?
(A) Motilal Nehru and Tej Bahadur Sapru (B) Madan Mohan Malaviya and M. S. Aney
(C) Surendranath Banerjee and C. R. Das (D) Mrs. Annie Besant and M. S. Aney
Ans: Madan Mohan Malaviya and M. S. Aney
26. Which Congress president conducted negotiations with Cripps in 1942 and Wavell at the Simla Conference?
(A) Abul Kalam Azad (B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) J. B. Kripalani (D) C. Rajagopalachari
Ans: Abul Kalam Azad
27. Bhitarkanika wild life sanctuary, an important site of wildlife biodiversity, lies near the confluence of two important rivers. Identify the rivers–
(A) Brahmani and Baitarani (B) Mahanadi and Indravati
(C) Mahanadi and Dhamara (D) None of these
Ans: Brahmani and Baitarani
28. Which among the following States is solely dependent on canal irrigation?
(A) Nagaland (B) Assam
(C) Jammu and Kashmir (D) Tripura
Ans: Nagaland
29. Madhapur is famous for–
(A) largest wind farms cluster.
(B) largest solar plant in India to sterilise milk cans.
(C) newly discovered oil field near Bhuj in Gujarat.
(D) None of these
Ans: largest solar plant in India to sterilise milk cans.
30. Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wildlife of the country are the important directives that come under–
(A) Fundamental Rights (B) Fundamental Duties
(C) Directive Principles of State Policy (D) None of these
Ans: Directive Principles of State Policy
31. Which Committee set up by RBI has the mandate to study issues and concerns in the micro-finance sector?
(A) Y. H. Malegam Committee (B) J. J. Irani Committee
(C) Mashelkar Committee (D) None of these
Ans: Y. H. Malegam Committee
32. Which of the following is concerned with inequality in distribution of family income?
(A) Gini Multiplier (B) Gini Index
(C) Lorenz Curve (D) Laffer Curve
Ans: Gini Index
33. A state of economy where aggregate demand is greater than the total supply of goods and services is called–
(A) Repressed-inflation (B) Reflation
(C) Deflation (D) Demand pull-inflation
Ans: Repressed-inflation
34. Which of the following-forms a major innovation of National Rural Health Mission?
(A) Creation of a cadre of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA).
(B) Improvised hospital care.
(C) Decentralisation at district level arid effective utilisation of resources through NGOs and community.
(D) All of these
Ans: All of these
35. Michael Phelps became the only player in history of Olympics to win a record haul of 22 medals in the Olympics.
Who among the following held the earlier record of winning maximum medals at Olympics?
(A) Sergey Bubka (B) Larisa Latyina
(C) Usain Bolt (D) Yelena Isinbayeva
Ans: Larisa Latyina
36. Rupesh Shah is associated with which of the following sport disciplines?
(A) Archery (B) Horse racing
(C) Billiards (D) Polo
Ans: Billiards
37. Who among the following is credited with conceiving and implementing a radically new mode of bringing water to crops in arid and dry land regions called “Micro Irrigation”?
(A) Daniel Hillel (B) Matt Apuzzo
(C) Wang Shu (D) John Gordon
Ans: Daniel Hillel
38. Indian Naval Rating mutiny in 1946 took place in–
(A) Calcutta (B) Madras
(C) Visakhapatnam (D) Bombay
Ans: Bombay
39. The Jain Temples’ known for the finest marble carvings in India are situated at–
(A) Gwalior (B) Kiradu
(C) Modhera (D) Dilwara
Ans: Dilwara
40. Who among the following encouraged the formation of Congress Socialist Party even though he was not a member of it?
(A) Achyuta Patwardhan (B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) Jayaprakash Narayan (D) Acharya Narendra Dev
Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru
41. The Widow Remarriages Act was passed during the Governor-Generalship of–
(A) Bentinck (B) Dalhousie
(C) Canning (D) Lawrence
Ans: Dalhousie
42. The Asiatic Society of Bengal was founded by–
(A) Rammohan Roy (B) Sir William Jones
(C) W. W. Hunter (D) William Bentinck
Ans: Sir William Jones
43. The density of water is maximum at 4°C. Such chemical property of water leads to–
(A) continuous availability of ice floating on sea surface.
(B) sustenance of marine life even during harsh winter.
(C) reduced heat loss from the surface of the sea
(D) None of these
Ans: sustenance of marine life even during harsh winter.
44. Which committee reports on economy, improvements in organisation, efficiency or administrative reform consistent with policy on public expenditure?
(A) Public Accounts Committee (B) Estimates Committee
(C) Committee on Public Undertakings (D) None of the above
Ans: Estimates Committee
45. Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare comes under the Ministry of–
(A) Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (B) Defence
(C) Home Affairs (D) Labour and Employment
Ans: Defence
46. Which part of the brain is responsible for controlling body temperature?
(A) Pituitary gland (B) Hypothalamus
(C) Thalamus (D) None of these
Ans: Hypothalamus
47. Which of the following forms an important component of the foreign exchange reserves of the country?
(A) Foreign exchange assets of RBI (B) Gold reserves of RBI
(C) SDR holdings of the Government (D) All of these
Ans: All of these
48. Operating principle of optical fibres which are used in endoscopes and telecommunications is based on–
(A) Refraction (B) Critical angle
(C) Total internal reflection (D) Refractive index
Ans: Total internal reflection
49. In which group of crops, growth rate in yield levels appears to have plateaued over the last few years?
(A) Rice and Wheat (B) Pulses and Mustard
(C) Sugarcane and Oilseeds (D) Coarse cereals and plantation crop
Ans: Rice and Wheat
50. Which of the following States has formed ‘Innovation Council’ based on the lines of National Innovation Council?
(A) Bihar (B) Haryana
(C) Karnataka (D) West Bengal
Ans: Haryana
51. Which of the following is the heaviest satellite successfully launched so far by India?
(A) RISAT-l (B) GSAT-12
(C) GSAT-l0 (D) GSAT-8
Ans: GSAT-l0
52. National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducted Gravity Recovery Experiment by a well-orchestrated crash landing on–
(A) Mars (B) Venus
(C) Moon (D) Californian desert
Ans: Moon
53. What is the nationality of Victoria Azarenka?
(A) Moldova (B) USA
(C) Belorussia (D) None of these
Ans: Belorussia
54. Who among the following is the author of the book ‘India-The Critical Years’?
(A) Chandra Shekhar (B) Khushwant Singh
(C) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (D) Kuldip Nayar
Ans: Kuldip Nayar
55. Candi Kalasan and Borobudur temples in Java were built by–
(A) Sailendra kings (B) Suryavarman II
(C) Kamboja dynasty (D) Jayavarman VII
Ans: Sailendra kings
56. Who was the first Muslim writer to make use of Urdu or Hindavi language as a vehicle of expression?
(A) Amir Khusrau (B) Jiauddin Barani
(C) Babar (D) Baz Bahadur
Ans: Amir Khusrau
57. Which Mughal king faced the rebellion of Bundela Chief Jujhar Singh whose father was on friendly terms with Jehangir?
(A) Shah Jahan (B) Aurangzeb
(C) Jehangir (D) Akbar
Ans: Shah Jahan
58. Which Sikh Guru gave the Sikhs a permanent organisation with regular sources of income?
(A) Guru Hargobind (B) Guru Arjan Dev
(C) Guru Angad (D) None of these
Ans: Guru Arjan Dev
59. Which movement was founded under the leadership of Maulana Mohammed Ali, Ajmal Khan, Hasan Imam, Mazhar-ul-Haq as a militant nationalist movement?
(A) Ahrar Movement (B) Al Hilal Movement
(C) Khilafat Movement (D) None of these
Ans: Ahrar Movement
60. The concept of citizen’s charters originated in which of the following countries?
(A) Sweden (B) United Kingdom
(C) United States of America (D) Norway
Ans: United Kingdom
61. Automation of administrative process particularly would lead to the following except–
(A) Paper Work Reduction (B) Elimination of Hierarchy
(C) Administrative Development (D) Development Administration
Ans: Development Administration
62. Which of the following forms part of Distributive Policy issue?
(A) Social insurance (B) Natural disasters
(C) Control of drugs and pharmaceuticals (D) None of these
Ans: Social insurance
63. Who among the following Chief Justices of India had the longest tenure?
(A) Justice M. Hidayatullah (B) Justice Y. V. Chandrachud
(C) Justice B. P. Sinha (D) Justice A. N. Ray
Ans: Justice Y. V. Chandrachud
64. ‘Stagflation’ indicates–
(A) Inflation with growth (B) Deflation with growth
(C) Inflation with depression (D) Inflation with stagnation
Ans: Inflation with depression
65. Which group of labour comes under the provision of Aam Admi Yojana?
(A) All labour in rural areas
(B) Only labour of urban region
(C) All landless labour living below poverty line in rural areas
(D) None of these
Ans: All landless labour living below poverty line in rural areas
66. The process when body attacks their own cells is called–
(A) Auto Immunity (B) Passive Immunity
(C) Active Immunity (D) Allergy
Ans: Auto Immunity
67. A chronic disorder where respiratory surface is decreased due to damage of alveolar walls commonly found in smokers is–
(A) Odema (B) Emphysema
(C) Pneumonia (D) None of these
Ans: Emphysema
68. Who among the following became the first individual athlete from India to win consecutive medals at Olympics?
(A) MC Mary Kom (B) Sushil Kumar
(C) Abhinav Bindra (D) Leander Paes
Ans: Sushil Kumar
69. ‘Mirroring’ is a technique in which same data is written to–
(A) two duplicate disk drives simultaneously
(B) multiple disk drives simultaneously
(C) a mainframe (D) None of these
Ans: two duplicate disk drives simultaneously
70. Which of the following scripts is the basis of newly introduced Indian rupee symbol?
(A) Roman and Devanagari Script (B) Roman and Latin Script
(C) Latin and Devanagari Script (D) None of these
Ans: Roman and Devanagari Script
71. Who among the following is the Chairman of Indian Railways High Level Safety Review Committee?
(A) B. N. Srikrishna (B) Anil Kakodkar
(C) Adi Godrej (D) Anand Mahindra
Ans: Anil Kakodkar
72. Who among the following criticised the moderate politics of Indian National Congress in a series of articles entitled ‘New Lamps for Old’?
(A) Aurobindo Ghosh (B) R. C. Dutt
(C) G. V. Joshi (D) Govind Ranade
Ans: Aurobindo Ghosh
73. Who among the following was a staunch Arya Samajist and was asked by Muslims to preach from pulpit of Jama Masjid?
(A) Swami Sahajanand (B) Swami Shradhanand
(C) Lal Chand (D) Baba Ramchandra
Ans: Swami Shradhanand
74. Who among the following was the advisor to the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?
(A) B. Shiva Rao (B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(C) Sachchidananda Sinha (D) B. N. Rau
Ans: B. N. Rau
75. The largest planet with no magnetic field is–
(A) Mercury (B) Venus
(C) Jupiter (D) Saturn
Ans: Venus
76. Which of the following is the most abundant “greenhouse gas” in our atmosphere?
(A) CO2 (B) Water vapour
(C) Methane (D) Chlorofluorocarbon
Ans: Water vapour
77. Who among the following Chief Election Commissioners of India was a Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India?
(A) Sukumar Sen (B) T. N. Seshan
(C) J. M. Lyogdoh (D) Navin Chawla
Ans: T. N. Seshan
78. Who among the following has a residuary power of legislation?
(A) President (B) Parliament
(C) Council of Ministers (D) Governor
Ans: Parliament
79. Money received by Courts in connection with affairs of the Union shall form part of–
(A) Public Account of India (B) Consolidated Fund of India
(C) Contingency Fund of India (D) None of these
Ans: Public Account of India
80. Fresh evaluation of every item of expenditure at the beginning of each financial year is called–
(A) Fresh Budgeting (B) Zero-based Budgeting
(C) Deficit Budgeting (D) None of these
Ans: Zero-based Budgeting
81. Which of the following is carcinogenic?
(A) Hydrocarbons (B) Carbon monoxide
(C) Nitrous oxide (D) Nitric oxide
Ans: Hydrocarbons
82. When pH of rainwater drops below 5.6 it is–
(A) Acidic (B) Basic
(C) Neutral (D) None of these
Ans: Acidic
83. Excess of nitrate in drinking water can cause disease such as methemoglobinemia, which is also called–
(A) Green baby syndrome (B) Blue baby syndrome
(C) Pink baby syndrome (D) White baby syndrome
Ans: Blue baby syndrome
84. German Silver is an alloy that consists of copper, zinc and–
(A) Nickel (B) Tin
(C) Lead (D) Chromium
Ans: Nickel
85. Amorphous form of Silica used in filtration plants is called–
(A) Kieselguhr (B) Silicones
(C) Carbon black (D) None of these
Ans: Kieselguhr
86. Who among the following leaders was not involved with forming underground networks and providing leadership during ‘Quit India Movement’?
(A) Achyut Patwardhan (B) Aruna Asaf Ali
(C) Biju Patnaik (D) P. C. Joshi
Ans: P. C. Joshi
87. Who among the following opposed the formation of Muslim League then being founded in 1906 and acted as Dada Bhai naoroji’s Secretary at Calcutta session?
(A) Aga Khan (B) M. A. Jinnah
(C) Liaqat Ali Khan (D) Sarojini Naidu
Ans: M. A. Jinnah
88. The first All India Kisan Mahasabha was formed at–
(A) Lucknow (B) Madras
(C) Calcutta (D) Patna
Ans: Lucknow
89. Which among the following organisations can be appropriately called as Pre-Congress Nationalist Organisation?
(A) East India Association (B) Young Bengal Association
(C) Indian Association of Calcutta (D) None of these
Ans: Indian Association of Calcutta
90. Who among the following examined in minute detail the entire economic record of Colonial rule since 1757 in his publication ‘The Economic History of India’?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji (B) Govind Ranade
(C) R. C. Dutt (D) P. C. Joshi
Ans: R. C. Dutt
91. Which of the following crops has great adaptability and it can be grown from Siberia to the tropical regions?
(A) Wheat (B) Oat
(C) Sugarbeet (D) Lentil
Ans: Wheat
92. Which of the following factors are not responsible for soil formation?
(A) Bedrock (B) Weather
(C) Elevation (D) Relief
Ans: Weather
93. The efficiency of transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next is known as–
(A) Primary productivity (B) Ecological niche
(C) Ecological efficiency (D) Trophic pyramids
Ans: Ecological efficiency
94. Biomedication helps clean up aquifers and oil spills. It involves the use of–
(A) Bacteria (B) Bacteria and Fungi
(C) Fungi (D) Fungi and Algae
Ans: Bacteria and Fungi
95. The iron and steel industries of which of the following countries are almost fully dependent on imported raw materials ?
(A) Britain (B) Japan
(C) Poland (D) Germany
Ans: Japan
96. The difference between Indian Parliamentary System and British Parliamentary System lies ill the fact that India has–
(A) both real and a nominal executive.(B) bicameral legislature.
(C) judicial review. (D) None of these
Ans: judicial review.
97. Which of the following has become the first Regional Rural Bank to issue a debit card in the country?
(A) Punjab Gramin Bank (B) Punjab National Bank
(C) Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank (D) Ahmedabad RRB
Ans: Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank
98. National Social Security Fund has been created in order to–
(A) fund workers of unorganised sector including weavers, rickshaw pullers, bidi makers, etc.
(B) finance workers of organised sector.
(C) help create self employment opportunities for unemployed youth.
(D) to finance self help groups.
Ans: fund workers of unorganised sector including weavers, rickshaw pullers, bidi makers, etc.
99. Which type of smog causes cracking of rubber and corrosion of metal?
(A) Classical Smog (B) Advection Smog
(C) Photochemical Smog (D) None of these
Ans: Photochemical Smog
100. Which of the following is a suitable technique of separation, identification and purification of a compound?
(A) Chromatography (B) Reverse osmosis
(C) Fractional distillation (D) Zeolite membrane filtration
Ans: Chromatography